Wednesday, November 21, 2007

1 Week Later...

It's been 7 days since my surgery...I am doing OK...

My surgery was scheduled for 8:30am...The last thing I remeber was laughing with the nurses in the OR at 8:35...
In the recovery I opened my eyes several times...I finally spoke and asked what time it was around 10:30am...
I was out pretty good!
Around 11 they had me drink something...I couldn't use a straw because my lips were swollen and numb...and my throat was so sore from that breathing tube being in there...most of the juice ended up on that hospital nightshirt...
Around 1pm I was ready to go home to my own bed...they sent a wheelchair for me and I pretty much slept the rest of the day...

Over the next few days I had a couple minor nose bleeds...the swelling went down a bit everyday...the numbness started to go away...I did utilize those pain meds though...I think I just wanted to avoid the pain so I was being proactive :)
I ate lots of soup and mashed potatoes...pudding and applesauce too. Once my mouth stopped being so sensitive to the cold I finally made some smoothies

Yesterday I went to the OS for a follow up...I am healing just fine...I went to the ortho today...he agreed that all looks good. I do still have some swelling and numbness in my upper lip but hopefully that will be gone totally by next week. I do have a nice size gap in between my teeth already. I have taken pics all this time, but I left the cable for the camera/computer at work and I don't go back until next week...I promise to post some pics then...

Thanks for keeping me in your thoughts :)

I am gonna try and make the best out of my Thanksgiving...I hope you will do the same!



Aimee said...

Happy Thanksgiving! Glad you made it through okay and can't wait to see pictures!

Shontelly said...

Wow Leah, sounds like we have the same jacked up jaw! I've had SARPE back in Feb. so I know all about the big puffer face and lips that match. Why haven't I seen you before?! lol Anyway, glad I found your blog now so I can give ya some encouragements. :D

Happy Thanksgiving!! Let me know what pureed turkey tastes like. ;D
ALSO.. congrats on your first step to a beautiful smile. I sure wish I had it done before my wedding.

~ Shontell

Brandyleigh35 said...

Hey Leah,
So glad you made it through your SARPE ok. I had mine in my Oral Surgeons office with I.V sedation, not in the hospital with anesthesia or a breathing tube, so I'm pretty sure you are feeling a bit worse then I did.

So glad you are doing better though, and it sounds like you are eating pretty well also! That will really help you heal faster.

Looking forward to seeing your pics.


Michelle said...

Congrats to you Leah! Good to hear that everything went well and you are doing great! Have you made your first turns yet? Did your OS already make turns during surgery? Cant wait to see some KEWL GAP pictures, we have all been there!! TRUST ME! It is really funny now that my gap is almost gone, I look back at pics and just crack up! I can't believe how big my gap was and best of all how well I accepted it. You have to just GO WITH IT GIRL, don't be afraid of what other people think, think about the big picture!! I just saw pictures from Thanksgiving that my mother took of me, and boy was I pleased, my smile looked awesome and Im not even there yet, if you know what I mean. Well, good luck on your adventure! Keep us in tune with some great pics.
